Board Meeting Information

Hatboro-Horsham School District School Board Meetings

The Hatboro-Horsham School District will hold regular public Legislative/Action Meetings 12 months per year. Most months during the school year will also include a public Work Session and Committee meeting. The business of Board Committees is conducted in Work session meetings.  Legislative Action Meetings and Work Session meetings will be held in person at the Hatboro-Horsham High School in the Auditorium beginning at 7:00 PM unless noted otherwise.  

Meetings will be recorded and live-streamed, viewable via:

Community members may provide comments during the public comment portion of the meeting. If you wish to speak during the public comment session, we ask that you please sign-in on the sheet located in the front of the Auditorium. Your name will be called in the order it appears on the sign-in sheet. Once your name is called, we ask that you please come to the podium and microphone in front of the Auditorium to speak. Speakers must state their name and municipality of residence. Please limit your comments to (3) three minutes. Please remember that it is the Board’s practice not to engage in dialogue with speakers.